How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™: The Overview - Empowering Women of Color Through Podcasting

In this 1st episode of Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation, the Dream Life series, host Deneen L. Garrett shares her journey from creating a popular panel for LGBTQ+ women of color and allies to launching her own podcast. She opens up about her fear of vulnerability and the realization that her podcast didn't have to be perfect. Deneen also discusses her transition to retirement and how she now elevates the voices of women of color and empowers them to live their dream lifestyle through her 3D Plus system. Tune in to hear Deneen's inspiring story and learn how you can create the life you desire.
How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™: The Overview - Empowering Women of Color Through Podcasting
Episode 141
Deneen L. Garrett, a women's empowerment speaker, dream lifestyle coach, and the creator & host of the show, asks two thought-provoking questions then introduces those new, to the podcast. Deneen shares how the podcast is an extension of a successful panel organized by her for LGBTQ+ women of color and allies. Inspired by the positive feedback received, Deneen wanted to further elevate the voices of women of color and provide them with valuable resources and inspiration on their journey towards living their dream lives thus “from panel to podcast”.
Deneen introduces various guests in the episode who have successfully achieved their dream lifestyles. These women share their personal stories, challenges, and strategies for overcoming obstacles. For instance, Demarra West discusses the importance of harnessing power and finding purpose as a woman of color. Dr. Tiffany Smith emphasizes the significance of self-love in achieving one's dreams. Victoria Finch shares her experiences and insights on overcoming challenges as a woman of color on the path to a dream lifestyle.
Deneen pivots to introduce her 3D Plus system, a framework she created to help women design and drive towards their dream lives as part of the overview for her “How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™” series. This 3D Plus system involves dreaming about what one wants, making decisions and designing their desired life, and taking action to make it happen. Deneen promises to break down these steps in her Dream Lifestyle series, providing easy actionable steps for her listeners to follow. Next up, “Dream”
This episode covers:
[00:04:04] Dream lifestyle and travel.
[00:05:31] Empower Women to Live Dream Lives.
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Do you want more out of life? Are you ready to live boldly in pursuit of your dreams?
Today’s episode sponsor is Deneen L. Garrett LLC. Deneen, Founder & CEO, is a Passionate, Innovative, Executioner (P.I.E.) who elevates the voices of women of color and empowers them to Live a Dream Lifestyle™ through podcasting, speaking and coaching.
Deneen is a Women’s Motivational Speaker, the Creator & Host of the Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation (formerly An Intimate Conversation with Women of Color) Podcast, which she launched in 2020 and a Dream Lifestyle Coach.
Deneen specializes in helping women of color who want more out of life live boldly to create a dream life.
Hire Deneen For: Speaking Engagements (In-Person & Virtual): Leadership Development | Empowerment Speaker | Fireside Chats | Keynotes | Panels | Workshops
Signature Talks: How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™ | The Power in the Pause | Recognize Your Path and Rise Up!
Hire Deneen to speak at your next event
Dream Life
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Dream lifestyle and travel.
Deneen L. Garrett: “What is a dream lifestyle? Merriam-Webster: A series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep. A visionary creation of the imagination, like a daydream. A strongly desired goal or purpose and something that fully satisfies a wish and ideal. Merriam-Webster defines lifestyle as the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture and associated with reflecting or promoting an enhanced or more desirable lifestyle. So each person has the power to define and choose the life that they want. For me, this dream life consists of travel, attending events, and inspiring 100 Black art collectors.“
What is your definition of a dream life?
Listen to this podcast episode on Spotify.
Living a Dream Lifestyle Monthly
Empower Women to Live Dream Lives.
Deneen L. Garrett: “I've worked alongside women who, they were not living fully. They were putting other people in their jobs first. Women who were miserable, which all compelled me to make it my mission to empower them to live a dream lifestyle and to live it now.”
Following your dreams is possible! Here are 10 reasons to do it
Noteworthy Quotes
- 00:02:58-00:03:09 - "I've worked alongside women who, they were not living fully. They were putting other people in their jobs first. Women who were miserable, which all compelled me to make it my mission to empower them to live a dream lifestyle and to live it now."
- 00:04:04-00:04:15 "I've designed my life so that if I want to fly to New York to attend an art exhibit, I will, which is what I did in December of 2022 for the King Pleasure Jean-Michel Basquiat Experience, which was amazing."
About the Deneen L. Garrett
Deneen L. Garrett stands as a luminary force, recognized for her instrumental role in the triumphant scaling of a dynamic Women of Color Program, providing an empowering platform for the growth of high-performing and high-potential WOC.
As a distinguished Women’s Empowerment Speaker and Dream Lifestyle Coach, Deneen has solidified her leadership legacy as the visionary Creator & Host of the globally acclaimed podcast, “Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation.” This transformative podcast, born from a panel, has metamorphosed into a powerful global platform under her visionary guidance.
Deneen’s commitment to inspiring others radiates through her featured contributions in esteemed media outlets, from the impactful TVOne’s #ThankaBlackWoman campaign to international publications within the Hoinser Group. Her influence extends to an award-winning book, “Upward: Leadership Lessons for Women on the Rise,” a cornerstone in university graduate courses.
In 2021, Deneen gracefully transitioned from spearheading corporate strategy in Diversity & Inclusion and Talent Development to embark on a profound journey to “Live a Dream Lifestyle™.” Guided by her 3+ Ds framework (dream, decide/design, drive), she immerses herself in abundant travel and transformative experiences. The desire to ‘have my name in lights’ manifested after Deneen was named a Top 100 Global Most Successful Woman and featured on a Times Square billboard. Having collected Black art since 2020, Deneen has recently evolved into an emerging curator of Black art which illuminate her multifaceted achievements.
Deneen’s prominence extends to being a finalist for various International Women’s Awards, poised to deliver her signature talk, “How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™️,” at an upcoming conference in London. Her nomination stands as a testament to her unwavering commitment to empowerment and leadership within the Women of Color community.
Learn more about Deneen at
Episodes mentioned
- Harnessing Power and Finding Purpose as Women of Color
- The Importance of Self-Love in Achieving Your Dreams
- Overcoming Challenges: Women of Color on the Path to a Dream Lifestyle
About the Podcast
Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation (An Intimate Conversation with Women of Color) is a podcast about women empowerment stories and for Women of Color who want more out of life. This show is for women who have had enough and want change, especially those who have been waiting to choose themselves and live boldly.
In each inspiring episode, hear from women from different backgrounds, countries, and ages who have embarked on personal journeys, sharing their stories of empowerment, overcoming, and their path to living a dream life (style).
My Podcast Coaching Journey:
- Celebrate My Success
- My Dream Lifestyle: A Spontaneous Trip to NYC To Experience Black Art by Jean-Michel Basquiat
- The Power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Deneen is committed to elevating the voices of WOC and empowering them to Live a Dream Lifestyle™ NOW!
Contact Deneen for coaching.
Favorite WOCI Resources
Living a Dream Lifestyle Newsletter
How are you living your dream life? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Episode 2 of 4 is available How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™: Dream
Deneen L. Garrett: 00:02 07:28 Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to Women of Color, An Intimate Conversation, the podcast formerly known as An Intimate Conversation with Women of Color. I am your host, Deneen L. Garrett, and I am a women's empowerment speaker, a dream lifestyle coach, and the creator and host of this podcast. I have two questions for you. Do you want more out of life? Are you living a dream lifestyle? So for those who are new to the podcast, I created a panel for LGBTQ plus women of color and allies in 2017 for a national conference. For the next three years, it was one of their most popular panels. After my 2019 session, someone asked, what's next for you? My answer was starting a podcast. On Good Friday the next year, the infamous 2020, I decided to level up and turn my podcast, my panel, into a podcast. Although I was excited, I was hesitant. I eventually realized that I had a fear of being vulnerable. I thought my podcast had to look a certain way, so I started looking at other podcasts and realized that, no, it didn't have to be perfect. So I Niked it and launched an intimate conversation with women of color on Good Friday of 2020. From panel to podcast, this is my journey. So fast forward to June of 2022, I retired and launched Deneen Consults to help businesses interested in elevating women of color to create leadership programs for women of color, which is what I've been doing for the past 18 months. leading a development program for women of color. I then added coaching to my offers. Speaking and podcasting were already a given. My focus was to elevate the voices of women of color and empower them to live a dream lifestyle, which is what I had declared for myself that January. I'd seen a tweet from someone you know, telling us or talking about, tweeting about, going beyond dream cars, dream houses, and to focus on a dream lifestyle. So I chose live for my 2022 word and to live a dream lifestyle as my focus for 2022. I've worked alongside women who, they were not living fully. They were putting other people in their jobs first. Women who were miserable, which all compelled me to make it my mission to empower them to live a dream lifestyle and to live it now. So now that you're caught up, let's get into today's episode. This is the first of my dream lifestyle series. What is a dream lifestyle? Let's break it down. Let me read to you the several definitions for dream from Merriam-Webster. A series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep. A visionary creation of the imagination, like a daydream. A strongly desired goal or purpose and something that fully satisfies a wish and ideal. Merriam-Webster defines lifestyle as the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture and associated with reflecting or promoting an enhanced or more desirable lifestyle. So each person has the power to define and choose the life that they want. For me, this dream life consists of travel, attending events, and inspiring 100 Black art collectors. I've designed my life so that if I want to fly to New York to attend an art exhibit, I will, which is what I did in December of 2022 for the King Pleasure Jean-Michel Basquiat Experience, which was amazing. And I even did an episode about it. So check out My Dream Lifestyle, A Spontaneous Trip to NYC to experience Black art by Jean-Michel Basquiat on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player. And if you want to look at me talking about it, of course, on YouTube. So I aspire to inspire women of color to live their dream lives and to live it them, their lives, their dream lives now. How? You're probably asking. I use my 3D Plus system. a framework that I created. First, you dream about what you want, you decide and design that life, and then you drive towards making it happen. So I'm gonna break these easy actionable steps down in this Dream Lifestyle series. So you don't wanna miss any of this, so make sure you subscribe. Here are three episodes to check out of women sharing how they live their dream lives. Harnessing Power and Finding Purpose as Women of Color with Damara West, episode 124. The Importance of Self-Love in Achieving Your Dreams with Dr. Tiffany Smith, episode 123. Overcoming Challenges, Women of Color on the Path to a Dream Lifestyle with Victoria Finch, episode 120. And you have to check out my very first episode. You will hear that I've come a long way. So LaTonya Jones, owner of Power Institute wrote, if you are a woman interested in activating your own dream lifestyle, Deneen's combination of lived experiences and extensive network of resources will be an invaluable resource along your journey. I say to be inspired. Whatever you want to do, do it. Live a dream lifestyle. So check out my intimate conversation with Tony, that's from 2020 Blazing Trails, episode 15. As I said before, I'm Denene O'Garrett, a women's empowerment speaker, a Dream Lifestyle coach, and the creator and host of this podcast. And what I want you to do now is subscribe, share, review, and definitely comment And I also want to shout out my top international listeners represent India, Bangladesh, and Spain. So I appreciate all my listeners, and I especially want to shout them out because they've been riding with me for a minute. So what's next? Next in the series is the dream episode. So make sure you come back and check that out. Enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching. Again, I'm Deneen L. Garrett.