#5 Best Women of Color Podcast
May 28, 2024

From Achieving to Being: Unpacking Worthiness with Lauren L.C. Wells

From Achieving to Being: Unpacking Worthiness with Lauren L.C. Wells

In this episode, host Deneen L. Garrett interviews Lauren L.C. Wells, also known as the Gut Health Bestie, founder of Herbival. Achieving Worthiness - Lauren shares her passion for empowering modern women of color to prioritize self-care, mindfulness, and gut health. She emphasizes the importance of feeling well to do well and how optimal well-being on a soul level is key. Lauren's coaching focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through prioritizing gut health to help women be vibrant, healthy, and happy. Tune in to learn more about her holistic approach to wellness and the impact of soulful self-care.

From Achieving to Being: Unpacking Worthiness with Lauren L.C. Wells

Episode 157 with Lauren LC Wells



[00:07:17] Optimal well-being on a soul level.

[00:15:13] Reviving your mind and body.

[00:31:35] Embracing health through community.


Prioritizing Self-Care and Mindfulness through Reflection and Reassessment

In the podcast episode featuring Lauren L.C. Wells, the importance of taking time to pause, reflect on worthiness, and reassess personal goals emerged as key steps in prioritizing self-care and mindfulness. Lauren emphasized the significance of delving into one's worthiness and understanding the deeper reasons behind self-care practices. She highlighted the need to shift the paradigm of self-perception and release past beliefs and behaviors that may hinder progress towards holistic wellness.

Key Steps in Prioritizing Self-Care and Mindfulness:
1. Pause and Reflect: Taking intentional pauses in daily life to reflect on one's worthiness, values, and goals is essential for fostering self-awareness and mindfulness.
2. Assess Worthiness: Understanding and acknowledging one's worthiness forms the basis for self-care practices and sets the tone for a positive self-image.
3. Reassess Personal Goals: Regularly reassessing personal goals ensures that they are aligned with one's evolving sense of self and inner aspirations, leading to a more fulfilling wellness journey.

By incorporating these key steps into their daily routine, individuals can deepen their self-care practices, enhance mindfulness, and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being.


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Do you want more out of life? Are you ready to live boldly in pursuit of your dreams?

Today’s episode sponsor is Deneen L. Garrett LLC.  Deneen, Founder & CEO, is a Passionate, Innovative, Executioner (P.I.E.) who elevates the voices of women of color and empowers them to Live a Dream Lifestyle™ through podcasting, speaking and coaching.

Deneen is a Women’s Motivational Speaker, the Creator & Host of the Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation (formerly An Intimate Conversation with Women of Color) Podcast, which she launched in 2020 and a Dream Lifestyle Coach.

Deneen specializes in helping women of color who want more out of life live boldly to create a dream life.

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Signature Talks:  How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™ | The Power in the Pause | Recognize Your Path and Rise Up! 

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LC's Gems Dropped

  • 00:01:43 - "I'm big optimal well-being on a soul level."
  • 00:11:33 - "A lot of times we're like,I lost 20 pounds and then I gained 30 back. It's because we're recycling our old emotions.”
  • 00:32:39 - "Self-care is more about really getting to honor yourself, honor and rest."
  • 00:34:43-00:34:53 - "Pause and just assess your worthiness."

About Lauren LC Wells

Lauren LC Wells, aka the Gut Health Bestie™, is a Certified Digestive Health Coach and founder of Hervival®, a revolutionary holistic wellness company that focuses on empowering modern-day women of color to prioritize self-care, mindfulness, and gut health.  With over 10 years of expertise in nutrition, gut health, and mindfulness, she focuses on stress management and burnout prevention to assist women in living their best healthy and happy lives.

Connect with Guest Lauren LC Wells

IG: https://instagram.com/hervival_

Facebook: https://facebook.com/hervival

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-lc-wells-01769a57/

Website: https://hervival.co

Email: lauren@hervival.co

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LaurenThrivewithLC



About the Podcast

Women of Color: An Intimate Conversation (An Intimate Conversation with Women of Color) is a podcast about women empowerment stories and for Women of Color who want more out of life. This show is for women who have had enough and want change, especially those who have been waiting to choose themselves and live boldly. 

In each inspiring episode, hear from women from different backgrounds, countries, and ages who have embarked on personal journeys, sharing their stories of empowerment, overcoming, and their path to living a dream life (style).

How to Live a Dream Lifestyle™ Series: 

Deneen is committed to elevating the voices of WOC and empowering them to Live a Dream Lifestyle™ NOW! 

Contact Deneen for coaching.


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Are you going from achieving to being? Answer in Comments.


Deneen L. Garrett 00:02 00:50 Hey, hey, hey, everybody. It's me again, Deneen L. Garrett. And today I have Lauren L.C. Wells. She is a founder NCEO. Lauren C. Wells is otherwise known as the Gut Health Bestie, a certified digestive health coach and founder of Herbival. a revolutionary holistic wellness company that focuses on empowering modern day women of color to prioritize self-care, mindfulness and gut health. And so we know that we talk about empowering women of color and we talk about pausing and pausing for us is self-care and the things that LC and I are gonna talk about today. So Lauren, LC Wells, tell us more about you.
Lauren LC Wells 00:51 02:08 Yes. Well, thank you, Daneen, for having me here. I'm super excited. And yeah, so they call me the gut health bestie out in the streets. I am from New York City. And I am very, very passionate when it comes to our overall well-being, more so because I feel like if we feel well, we do well. And in order to be impactful in this world, we have to be able to have the stamina to do so, right? When God has us up to big things, we need to make sure that we feel big enough to be able to show up. So I've been in the health and wellness industry for 10 years, and I coach women on being able to prioritize their spirit. I'm big on when it comes to optimal well-being on a soul level. So really coaching women on not only just their physical well-being, but their mental and spiritual well-being by prioritizing gut health. And I see that as a way so that way we could be more vibrant, healthy, and happy. I am a wife. I'm a proud auntie, godmommy. I don't have children yet, but those are my babies. And I love spending my quality time with friends and family.

Deneen L. Garrett 02:08 02:12 I love all of that. And did you say soul? Did you say something about soul?

Lauren LC Wells 02:13 02:16 optimal well-being on a soul level. Yeah.

Deneen L. Garrett 02:16 02:39 Okay. So let's go right to that. What does that look like? And before we go there, so this conversation, the title of this is gut health equals mental health, the key to balance. So that's what this conversation is going to be about. The things that Elsie and I talk about are going to be centered around that. But let's jump right to soul health.

Lauren LC Wells 02:39 07:17 Yeah. So I like a lot of times I've, like I said, I've been in a health and wellness industry for 10 years. I started out as a fitness trainer and you know, when you just focus on your, like the physical, we, I'm really big on like, you know, we as a human being, right, we have our mind, body and spiritual components of ourselves. And I don't leave any of those things off the table. Because as we move our body, it, you know, sometimes we, we release stress, and we have some clarity, and it helps our mental. But a lot of times, we don't really look at how how we really feel from like, from a soul level, like a lot of us, especially black, black and brown women, right? We don't know how to check in. I remember, like, I'll never forget one time a mentor asked me, how are you doing like on a solo? And that sparked something that I was just like, Oh, like, you know, it hits you in your chest. And you don't really like I'm like, I don't know, like you just think in your brain and your physical feeling and a lot of us don't tap into the soul. So at Herbivory, we're really about reviving the mind, body and spirit so that way we could be feeling whole. When I say whole, that's what I mean on a soul level. How are you feeling on a deeper level when you just pause? Not the things you got to do, but who are you being? The way how I like to talk about optimal well-being on a soul level is where women feel full. They feel complete, mind, body, and spirit. the way how I've been called, and I'm a big believer, I'm very spiritual, big believer guy, what he called me to do is being able to do that from like the gut health perspective. And the reason why is because I personally feel like from my own personal experience, as well as professional experience. I feel like our garden, like our ecosystem of our soul and who we are really centers in our gut. Okay. Right, so when you start studying, like, you know, not only the like, I studied the digestive system, right, as far as the gastrointestinal tract, and how our hormones are like, pretty much 70% of our immune system is in our gut, about 90% of our function of our major organs lives within our gut, right. But if you study energetics, you know, like literally, when you look as far as our emotionals. Like sometimes you ever feel like, you ever had those times where you, something just don't feel right or you feel frustrated, you just feel it right in your core, like in your gut, like it's such a, it's an epicenter. So that's where I was, when I started and I had so many health complications before I was even 30, I had thyroid dysfunction. I had so many digestive issues. I was diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases and I didn't understand what was wrong. However, when I go to the doctor and get my blood work done, everything's fine. You're young, you're good. So we're not even going to talk about how black women don't feel hurt within the medical space. But it just pondered on me like, okay, how is all these things showing up? But I have these chronic pains, I don't feel right, I don't feel attached to myself. And when I started going on my own personal journey, before I started going in professionally, that I have really gather how much our gut and our brain is connected. It's known as the gut-brain axis and started to really ignite. I found so much of the depths of myself within my gut. I was like, that's the epicenter of our soul. I started to get more connected, more downloads, my relationship with God started to really open up. when I started to really pay attention to that space and started getting into a lot of the energetic work of being able to cleanse and detoxify and also just bring my energy and my focus there. And I felt like I found myself. And when I work with women and talk to them, I see the same thing. A lot of healing happens. A lot of clarity starts to open up. They find their power and their purpose. through that work of being able to revive your mind, body, and spirit, but keeping the gut health in mind. So when I talk about optimal well-being on a soul level, that's what I mean.

Deneen L. Garrett 07:17 08:21 So let's actually dig a little bit deeper here, right? Because I can see that, right? I can feel that that would have such great impact. And just even thinking about myself right now, I feel like I'm not, how do I want to say it? Um, not that I'm stuck in that area or clogged in that area, but I don't feel fully, um, I don't know, release. If that makes sense. Like, I feel like, um, it's stuff sitting in my gut. Say it like that. So for us, for those who are watching, or if they're just listening, you know, I come to you and I and I come to you. What is like the first thing that we're doing together for you to help me to get to where I need to be to empower me through this holistic wellness? Like what's one of the first things that we're going to talk about or, you know, we're going to do together?

Lauren LC Wells 08:21 10:03 Yeah, so that's a good question. So our framework that we really focus on is the ride by body spirit. So the first thing we do focus on is my like, you know, shifting and changing the paradigm in the way that we see ourselves, the way we release, especially a lot of times we focus so much on our body and want to release weight and the aesthetics. So we really, really work on diving into the mental capacity of releasing and letting go all of the previous things, diets, all those stuff, because a lot of women feel so defeated when it comes to just taking care of ourselves and our health. And it's just because society, you know, the media just made us think so much in this aesthetic things and it's calories in, calories out, where you start really focusing on like, okay, even if you do particularly lose this weight and what you look like, why? Like, you know, what's the deep roots of those things of You know, what do you want to feel? You know, a lot of times they say when you want to be able to get somewhere, you got to go there first. Right. Like, you know, you got to put yourself like everything that we have acquired or done in our lives. It was in our mind first. So the biggest thing is that what we do and what we start is on on the mind. You know, I mean, like we did, we really focus on reviving the mind, reassessing that the paradigm shift of what you have seen yourself at one point and kind of do some, I have some different methods that we discuss and talk about there.

Deneen L. Garrett 10:03 11:11 So while you're there on that, so that's something that I'll say, and I'm going to be kind of, you know, vulnerable throughout this conversation. And I mean, we can't even just use I'm that person who's coming to you. Right. Because so I am stuck at that part with the mind. So back in July, I went to the doctor, you know, when I walked away, I'm like, OK, I'm about to get this together. Right. And recommended to lose weight in order to, you know, be healthier. And so started on that, did end up losing probably over 20 pounds. And those bad boys are back. I got to a point where I don't even know what was going on. But, you know, I started reverting back to previous behaviors. Right. And now it's kind of like I've almost let it go to where it's fine. I'm going to keep on eating those chips and dip and have three Pepsi's and in a day, which I never did that. Right. I'm at the point where it's like, OK, I've let it go. And I'm disappointed in myself because I was doing so well. So I'm stuck.

Lauren LC Wells 11:11 18:00 Yeah, that's the cycle. That's the cycle. And, you know, when I started working with women and even the women who come into our Herbible community and members, that Like, you know, a lot of times we're like, oh, I lost the weight. I lost 20 pounds and then I gained 30 back. It's because we're recycling our old emotions. Like, this is why I said the soul level is so important because we literally just focus on the aesthetics of, okay, if I eat like this, I'll do this. But somewhere we never even really took ourselves fully on to, one, release all of the things that we've done before. So that old thought of creeping up, like, yeah, you did this before. How long can you stick with it? Like we have to really, like I said, especially when it comes to black women, and as we go back out here in this life, and we go back to lifing, right? Life be life, and as people say, we have to come to the sense of self-awareness, and then self-sabotaging behaviors, right? So even what you just talked about, like that wasn't even nothing that you particularly did, but then you found yourself literally just flushing everything you worked for down the drain, like, you know, even beyond. of what you wear, like, this is not even what I do. And ask me how I know, I've been there, you know, and I'm like, I don't even eat this, like, what is happening? Like, I don't even do this on a regular, why am I? As we go through that, we have to start assessing the self-sabotaging behaviors and what's truly coming up. So that's why the Reviving Our Mind is so important because we really go through as far as like, what is the mindset assessment of who we are, the way we see ourselves, with self-awareness that we have, and then addressing those self-sabotaging behaviors and, you know, just shifting and then starting to implement, because a lot of us, especially most of us are like, we're high achievers, perfectionists, we're the first ones, most educated in our family, we doing big things. And the thing is, when it comes to this work of of caring for our temple and really reviving our mind, body and spirit is not a linear and not a just jump from A to Z. We have to, we have to really come to the grips to understand and this is life. Yeah, you know, this, we do so we have to be able to take small doses, like bite size of things to live this life. We try to go to this full thing to get these results and get there. And then when we get there, sometimes we don't even know where our identity got lost throughout the process. So then that's when that self-sabotage and picking up things you don't even know what to do, because we didn't evolve into this new way of becoming. You know, I mean, we didn't step into the being of the process. We just got into the doing. And we're not human doings, we're human beings. So this is why when women who are ready and did all, I love when women did everything under the sun and they're so tired and frustrated, I'm like, great. because that's not what we're doing anymore. You know, like really, really digging deep into the depths and really get into the healing and really like, you know, everybody talks about like breaking cycles. I don't believe in breaking because all the things that we have done have served us in some way, but we're starting anew. You know what I mean? Starting anew into a whole new. So, um, you're not the only one, you know, as far as like, kind of like, you don't like and then sometimes you just get so frustrated with yourself. That's where we give up because we start picking up behaviors that we're like, I don't even know what I'm doing. Maybe it's just not for me. I'm just gonna go ahead and just stick to what I know because and then we don't trust ourselves. We don't believe in ourselves. And then you know, here I come talking about you know, gut health, and you know, we supposed to really tap into following our gut instincts, but our gut don't even trust us because we didn't go for it. So yeah, the the revive your mind is like probably the most important. And a lot of us don't stick there because it's just kind of we get busy and let let life pull us in a way. but I promise for the women, even myself, like, you know, I've put myself through this and there's times where I evolve and I grow into new spaces that I have to reignite myself through a revived mind, body, spirit process, you know, because we elevate, right? So, you know, when we think about elevation, I like to think about an elevator, you know, like as we go from, you know, from ground zero and then work our way, we have to assess each new level, you know, where at and the things that was once a challenge that was above us is now below us as we're at this new level. And we have to start, you know, adapting to the new change. So that's why, you know, really, really gathering a mindset assessment of where you are right now and today and what you're ready for and where you're looking to grow for is key than just, all right, let me just start this diet again. Like it's, it's beyond, I really, really urge people all the time. Let's go beyond the diet because when we get to really seeing ourselves in our mindset and the goal of who we want to be and become and the why we want to, right? That's when the habits just start to come into place. It's so funny, literally sitting here talking about this, because I didn't live this life. I tell people all the time, I probably worked out before I got into fitness because I had to go to the military. I tried to get my student loans paid for. And when I got into the military, I had to work out. So it wasn't like this was just something I wanted to do. But however, I had a why. I wanted my student loans. It, you know, it was just societal reasons. And that was that. So yeah, I started getting into a workout and my body started to change or whatever. Long story short, I didn't end up going into the military. I got injured right before I left. However, I kept sticking to the lifestyle of like working out because it was very helpful through the most challenging times that I was experiencing. Like, that was devastating to like, I trained for nine months for the Navy and then got kicked out because I had an injury. And that just threw my whole life for a loop. But the one thing that stuck with me was physically still working out. So it became a new way. Everybody has their different ways of how they come into living this holistic lifestyle being, or what I like to call. And it may be from having a health scare and they had to change.

Deneen L. Garrett 18:03 18:36 No, let's kind of like talk about that. Right. So I hear you, you had a reason. And the reason really overall was, was a physical reason. Right. What about those women who don't necessarily have that? Like me, like I have my moments where, Oh my God, I'm going to the gym. I'm there all the time. I'm loving it, loving how I look. And then Not anymore. Right. So the women that are coming through with the mind. First of all, would you say that the mindfulness is the area that you spend the most time with on average with with the women you're coaching?

Lauren LC Wells 18:36 19:09 I would say it's the most challenging part, like once women get past that and start seeing The reason that every, like the other habits start to trickle in and they form a new way of identity for themselves. Yeah. So yeah, I would say it's, it's, it's probably the most Bridget part at times. Um, especially when people did all the other doings, like, you know, they did these detoxes, they did these workouts and stuff like that or whatever. Um, I would say that's the, the, probably what takes up the most time, which makes sense.

Deneen L. Garrett 19:09 19:33 Right. It seems because the mind is, It's like key, once you get your grip on that, then everything else is smoother selling, not necessarily smooth selling, but smoother selling. So when you think about the women that you work with on a whole, what would you say like their three top reasons that kept them going through mindfulness?

Lauren LC Wells 19:33 20:09 That's good. I think what it was was they started because like most of the women I work with are, you know, high achieving got big goals big shoes to fill like you know, so their why is already there. Like, you know what I mean? Because they tried all the things and they're feeling tired and they're not able to keep up and then we're creeping up in age and like, if I'm feeling like this now, how am I going to keep moving forward with what I want to do? OK. I see. You know, so that why is mostly there once we identify that. So that locks them in. But the three, what did you say, the three

Deneen L. Garrett 20:10 20:27 Um, like the three motivators, the three motivators, right? Okay. You know, this area is tough, right? You just said it's challenging. There are some who just give up a lot, who give up at this, this state. Right. So the ones who keep going, like, what are you, you know, what was that?

Lauren LC Wells 20:27 23:21 I think it was the con because even like, I always say, once they start this all Rosalie back to it, because even if like, maybe they stop, they see like, okay, this is still, it's counterintuitive, you know, me trying to skip the process of these things. But I would, I think once they really established like that core why of like, you know, I need to be able to have the energy, the mental capacity to fulfill these big goals I'm trying to fill, that would be the biggest one. The two others, I would say the results that start to come, because even still like some of them, end up seeing like, dang, like it really wasn't that hard. Like once I finally saw like I lost seven pounds and didn't realize it just because I was able to unpack the heaviest weight I was feeling, which was partially in my mind. You know, I mean that I created stress for myself because when we create stress, we we spark our cortisol levels and our body starts to store, you know, fat. So I have seen where literally women did do nothing too different besides maybe drink more water. and learned how to shift their mind and combat the stress that was overbearing for them. So then the results start to come in. That third one, I would say, it starts to get them to introduce a side of them that they didn't even know that they always wanted to get to. You know what I mean? Like, this feels, because a lot of the women, the whole, the name of her revival is really about her revival, shifting from that survivor's mode that we constantly feel suffocated in, but that's all we know. That's all we grew up with. So when they start to see that and get to that other side of that piece that starts to feel for them and they start having that grasp of that sound mind, it's almost kind of like they got a little dose and they want to keep going. You know what I mean? Because it's like, this is feeling good. This is what I've been wanting to go to. And that emotional intelligence and that maturity that starts to unravel, that's what like locks them in. I would say when women get to those three things of the why they want to be able to pour back to themselves and see and most of it is because we got big goals. We got big things we want to fill kids or don't have kids at all. So now we really want to be able to care for ourselves so we can have that or business goals, career level goals or whatever. And the other ones is more of like seeing results that really wasn't as hard as versus the years of hard work that they were doing. And then that third one of, I like this type of sound mine. You know what I mean? Like this, this piece that this is doing, how about if I lean into more of this?

Deneen L. Garrett 23:21 24:31 So to kind of just, you know, level set or just wrap it up for those who are watching or listening, The women that you're working with, as you said, they're already achievers. They're already women who are working at a very high level. So they're used to setting goals and putting in the work to make it happen. So this is just another type of goal for them. Again, goals for these type of women, they're used to. setting goals and reaching and exceeding those goals. And this is just another one. And the way that they get through it, key number one, as with so many things in life, if not everything in life, is the why. Being very secure in your why of wanting to do this thing is what keeps them going. When they're secure in their why and how doing these things will get them to that why is what keeps them going. And so even if a person is not you know, high-performing, high-potential woman, still, if they get clear about their why, they can still be successful and they can still, you know, take care of themselves well, right?

Lauren LC Wells 24:31 25:04 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. There's women and stuff that's in our community that is retired vets and, you know, they done, they just chilling or you know, maybe they just work and they just want to have the energy to be a mom, not just work. I'm not trying to make that seem like it's less, but you know, they're not looking to have like big businesses and make big impacts in society. They just want to be able to live a more abundant, peaceful life for themselves. So that why isn't necessarily a tangible thing. It's more about why you're worthy of it.

Deneen L. Garrett 25:06 25:10 Oh, okay. Hold on now. You got to something different.

Lauren LC Wells 25:10 25:38 So why, why are you worthy? Like, why is that? Why is like, Oh, I want to glow, you know, global warming, or I want to be able to impact the world or feed more children. Or I want to be a, you know, I want to have a successful seven figure business or, you know, it's not really that, but more so, why are you even worthy? to be able to do those things. You know what I mean? It centers back to ourselves.

Deneen L. Garrett 25:38 26:56 Absolutely. But I like this, right? Because this is something that I don't think we tap into a lot, right? And I've had different conversations, or even I've seen, responded to something, and where personally, somebody was like, smile at yourself in the mirror. I don't really look at myself in the mirror. I may look at myself to the extent, oh, I'm brushing my teeth or whatever, but I don't look at myself in the mirror. Yeah. I don't do that. Right. And so am I worthy of being healthier? Am I worthy of releasing all the things that are keeping me from stuff? Right. That is something for us to really to ask and to answer. And to get on a soul level, right? Because now we're going deeper than just out there. And I think that that is so important for us to look at it in a different way and really see how it connects to our deepest being. LC is what you're bringing to the forefront. And I want to stick around that. I want to stick around the soul level. I want to stick around us being worthy to have, to live the lives that we want to live, to prioritize self-care and pivoting our mindsets and getting our guts healthy.

Lauren LC Wells 26:56 30:07 Yeah. It goes back to that being, because when we look at all the achievements and things, that's still from an ego space of just the doing versus, like you said, our deepest being. It makes it easy for the non-negotiables. Like, OK, no, I can't do this or I can't spend myself around a time. Um, I can't, you know, do these specific things because it does not tap into like, you know, who I am, who I'm wanting to become. It's not connected to my deepest being. So like when you talked about the mirror, like mirror work is in, is in our framework, you know what I mean? Uh, because like, when you look at yourself, what do you see? What do you feel? And if you don't know, how about we romanticize that, you know, because if we want to do anything to track anything, we got to be that ourselves. Right. So. I'm never surprised when I have women go through this work. I see them attracting money that they didn't even, like people recommended them or they got promotions. Like it just comes and I'm like, I didn't even have to work for it. So when we tap into that, we don't have to work as hard. Like, you know, and a lot of us, especially as a black woman, we've been working hard for a long time. I mean, like super young, just get so much into the doing. And I invite people, what if the hardest part that you really work on is yourself and then everything starts to fall into place? You know, you get tied into what really connects to you and your own spiritual thing. You know, everybody has their different backgrounds and religion. When I say I'm spiritual, I mean outside, like, you know, non-denominational outside and whatever is the highest, you know, Lord within you. that you find that, like in order to find that, that's why I love what you talk about the power of pause. You know what I mean? Because that's when we start to see, we're so busy. Oh man, I just remember the days running, ripping and running in the city. I didn't even know what I needed and what I wanted. I just needed to get to where I gotta go. You know what I mean? That mindset is literally just like a running machine until life sits your butt down and things happen. It does, uh-huh. It do, you get knocked down. And that was me. Like I said, I had a series of injuries. I talked about the whole thing with the Navy because I was just doing trying to get along. Didn't even ask myself if that's truly what I wanted. I didn't start believing in myself until that time. And I was like, man, I really shifted. I didn't realize how powerful my mind was because I was like, if I could get myself that ready to go and fight someone's war, because like this was like 2010, you know what I mean? So it was like right after the market crash, all that stuff. And I was like, okay, if I get deployed, I'm ready for it. Like, I was like, man, if I could prepare my mind so much for somebody else, what, I've never done that for myself. What would that look like if I did that for myself? You know? So, and then, like I said, when you don't do that, you will get, you will get pushed back. You will get paused. This is where ailments, diseases, and all types of things start to happen because we're literally just, I like to say run amok sometimes, and then we don't understand. why these things happen. If we don't take that pause, it will make us, we will get pushed into a state where we got to take the pause longer than we need. Yeah.

Deneen L. Garrett 30:07 31:01 Yeah, absolutely. And then we have to get an understanding of what a pause looks like. Right. And, and not think that, oh, self-care is just going to get a massage. No, it's so much more than that. Right. It is just taking time and just being still. It's journaling, right. It's, um, looking at yourself and having a conversation with yourself or affirmations, you know, looking in the mirror is all these different things and we have to take the time to really investigate that right and explore the power in the pause explore self care and wholeness and all those things and I have to tell you so. I was supposed to go have my follow-up with the doctor in April, and I moved it to May. And I did that because last time I saw her, I'm like, yeah, you know, I was already, I was in the thick of my, you know, eating well, you know, and moving and losing weight. So I was releasing the weight that had me.

Lauren LC Wells 31:01 31:04 I love that you said releasing instead of losing.

Deneen L. Garrett 31:04 31:47 Go ahead. No, that is so key. And it's a, look, a mindful shift. A mindful shift. And so, like I told you, the last several months, I've been going in the other direction and gaining, gaining, gaining. And so I'm like, let me move it out, you know, because that gives me a little bit more time to get myself together, which I haven't got myself together. So I go to see my doctor this week. And I said, you know what, I'm going to keep the appointment and whatever it is, is because I need to be clear about where I'm at. and where I need to start from. And if that means going back on medication, then it is what it is. And I need to do the things that I was doing before to get myself healthier. Mm hmm.

Lauren LC Wells 31:47 33:11 And so that's one of the things that I heard you say, like, you know, when you saw like, OK, I got something coming up where I have to report to or talk to my doctor. This is why I really love where community comes into place. And this is why I probably curate that space of community, because instead of having from doctor visit to doctor visit check-in, what about daily visits and check-in with your own like-minded sisters who are also on that journey? And I've seen these women, I'm talking about busy moms with three kids under three, running businesses, caring for their parents, everything, and saw how they finally started having a routine you know, for their wellness and their self-care beyond, like I said, the manis, the pedis, and all of those things. Like, self-care is more about really getting to, you know, honor yourself, honor and rest. And that consistent check-in, you know, like, and then we have our accountability calls a couple times out of the month. You know, we get ourselves together more than that next quarterly visit to our doctor or annual visit to our doctor. So that's why I always say, like, what if, you know, you do have those constant check-ins with the community? The key to living holistically healthy is consistency. And to me, I feel like one of the accountabilities and supports to that is community. Absolutely.

Deneen L. Garrett 33:11 34:33 Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's kind of how we met. So we didn't meet physically, but we did. We were in a community space. Yeah, we were both in the same space. And it was a space all about community, right? It was about growing and living your best life and being your best self. in different ways that was coming at us. And so, absolutely, right? That whole experience was like, it was a gift that keeps giving because I, like, we were fed there, fed. And then it kept coming, like people LinkedIn and here and there, and, you know, like us, we're having this conversation now. And I have a, you know, new friend out in LA who I'm probably going to go see later in May, like all the different things that keep coming, but it all came from community, right? So like what you just talked about, community, yes, we need to be in commune with other people. We need to be in commune with other Black women, women of color, whomever our, you know, our circle is, we need to have that because it helps us to live our best selves. It helps us to have a dream lifestyle. So with the last couple minutes, what do you want to leave the audience with? Like this, you know, the podcast, the the YouTube is all about empowering women of color, right? And about living dream lives and pausing. So what would you like to leave the audience with?

Lauren LC Wells 34:33 35:27 My biggest thing that I leave the audience with is really just taking out that moment to pause and just assess your worthiness. You know what I mean? Like, what does that mean to you? If you haven't took time and then revisit that often, because like what my worthy was, you know, six years or so, five years ago, one of my mentors always said, you are who you are today based on the thoughts of who you were five years ago. You know, who I am from five years ago, my worthiness is different. Peace and quiet is huge now, you know what I mean? And needed for me to be able to unpack. So I would really invite you all to take that moment of worthiness. And if you are looking for a space and a community to support you, I would love to have you a part of our community and our membership in Herbival, you can go to herbival.co slash membership and learn more about us.

Deneen L. Garrett 35:28 35:56 Thank you so much lauren lc wells, I have appreciated this conversation and yeah I you know made it about me. Your story is probably 10. i'm making about me because I know that there's plenty of women plenty of me's out there right, we definitely know there's plenty of me that's why you and what you're doing exists, so I so appreciate you and thank you so much for tapping in everybody enjoy the rest. Thank you for having me here. Absolutely.

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Lauren Wells

Founder & CEO

Lauren LC Wells, aka the Gut Health Bestie™, is a Certified Digestive Health Coach and founder of Hervival®, a revolutionary holistic wellness company that focuses on empowering modern-day women of color to prioritize self-care, mindfulness, and gut health. With over 10 years of expertise in nutrition, gut health, and mindfulness, she focuses on stress management and burnout prevention to assist women in living their best healthy and happy lives.